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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Year 10 Curriculum


Term 1 & 2 - The nineteenth century novel

Students to study one of the texts listed on the AQA specification. For 2020/21 this is Jekyll and Hyde. Creative reading and writing opportunities also.

Term 3 & 4

Shakespeare – students to study one of the texts listed on the AQA specification. For 2020/21 this is Macbeth. Creative reading and writing opportunities also.

Term 5 - Speaking and Listening

Students to begin work preparing an independent presentation to be delivered late in the summer term.

Term 6 - Poetry

Poems from the power and conflict anthology.




Further Mathematics 




Year 10 Combined Science home learning content for Physics 
The topics that are due to be taught since schools were closed until the summer as follows:

  • A revision and consolidation of the P5 forces topic(2 weeks)
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism (P7 in the AQA trilogy specification) (6 weeks)

The forces topic was widely completed before schools were closed. It consisted of the following basic principles:

  1. Graphs of motion
  2. Scalars and vectors
  3. Acceleration
  4. Newton’s laws
  5. Momentum

The magnetism topic consists of the following principles:

  1. Magnetic materials
  2. Magnetic fields
  3. Magnetism and electricity
  4. Magnetic field strength
  5. The motor effect
  6. How a motor works

This should take us to around May half term and then we would have been preparing for end of year exams which would have been based on the topics taught since September. These topics are:

  • Electricity (P2)
  • Forces part 2 (P5 second half)
  • Magnetism (P7)

As mentioned above, these codes are referencing the specification that can be obtained from the AQA website

Combined Science 

Triple Science
Students can also access content using their CGP revision guides as well as BBC Bitesize which groups the content into topics and exam boards


Year 10 Triple Science home learning content for Physics 
The topics that are due to be taught since schools were closed until the summer as follows:

  • A revision and consolidation of the P5 forces topic (2 weeks)
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism (P7 in the AQA trilogy specification) (10 weeks)

The forces topic was widely completed before schools were closed. It consisted of the following basic principles:

  1. Graphs of motion
  2. Scalars and vectors
  3. Acceleration
  4. Newton’s laws
  5. Momentum and applications 

The magnetism topic consists of the following principles:

  1. Magnetic materials and fields
  2. Magnetism and electricity
  3. Uses of electromagnets 
  4. Magnetic field strength
  5. The motor effect
  6. The generator effect
  7. Electromagnetic induction
  8. Transformers 

This should take us to around to the middle of June and then we would have been preparing for end of year exams which would have been based on the topics taught since September. These topics are:

  • Electricity (P2)
  • Forces part 2 (P5 second half)
  • Magnetism (P7)

Year 10 Combined Biology Home Learning Summer Term 2020

  • Module B7 Part 2 – Ecology 

This topic will be covered using the information given on SMHW which includes useful links. Students will be set 3 lessons per fortnight in line with the 3 lessons per fortnight they would attend at school.
Quizzes or exam questions are set fortnightly to help students consolidate their learning and self-assess where they at. Individual teachers may provide extra resources for their class or be in contact via email where possible. 
The topic ends with an end of topic assessment self-assessed by students with results submitted to teachers where possible. 

  • Consolidation of Year 10 modules – B4 (Bioenergetics), B5 (Homeostasis and Response) and B7 (Ecology)

This will be review and revision of the work covered throughout the year utilising a variety of resources via SMHW information. 

Year 10 Triple Biology Home Learning Summer Term 2020

  • Module B7 Part 2 – Ecology 

This topic will be covered using the information given on SMHW which includes useful links. Students will be set 4 lessons per fortnight in line with the 4 lessons per fortnight they would attend at school.
Quizzes and/or exam questions are set fortnightly to help students consolidate their learning and self-assess where they at. Individual teachers may provide extra resources for their class or be in contact via email where possible. The topic ends with an end of topic assessment self-assessed by students with results submitted to teachers where possible. 

  • Consolidation of Year 10 modules – B4 (Bioenergetics), B5 (Homeostasis and Response) and B7 (Ecology) This will be review and revision of the work covered throughout the year utilising a variety of resources via SMHW information. 



Year 10 Home Learning content for Combined Chemistry

Topics that we will cover 

  • C9 The Earth’s Atmosphere (mislabelled C13 in the textbook)
  • C10 The Earth’s Resources (mislabelled C14 in the textbook)

C9 The Earth’s atmosphere includes:

  • History of our atmosphere
  • Our evolving atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Global climate change
  • Atmospheric pollutants

C10 The Earth’s Resources includes:

  • Finite and renewable resources
  • Water safe to drink
  • Treating waste water
  • Extracting metals from their ore
  • Life cycle assessments
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle

There would have also been preparation for an end of year test revising all the other topics covered this year:

  • Rates of reaction and equilibrium
  • Energy Changes
  • Chemical Analysis and mixtures

More detailed breakdown of work will be set every 2 weeks for pupils to complete on Show My Homework, this will usually consist of some note taking and researching and a quiz to check understanding.  We already have built in dedicated time for revision in year 11 so will have enough time to go over anything that pupils are finding tricky when we are back.
Link to the specification (AQA Combined Science) 

Year 10 Home Learning content for Chemistry (Triple)

Topics that we will cover 

  • C9 The Earth’s Atmosphere (mislabelled C13 in the textbook)
  • C10 The Earth’s Resources (mislabelled C14 and C15 in the textbook)

C9 The Earth’s atmosphere includes:

  • History of our atmosphere
  • Our evolving atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Global climate change
  • Atmospheric pollutants

C10 The Earth’s Resources includes:

  • Finite and renewable resources
  • Water safe to drink
  • Treating waste water
  • Extracting metals from their ore
  • Life cycle assessments
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle
  • Rusting
  • Useful Alloys
  • The  properties of polymers
  • Glass, ceramics and composites
  • Making ammonia, the Haber process
  • Making fertiliser in the lab
  • Making fertiliser in industry

There would have also been preparation for an end of year test revising all the other topics covered this year:

  • Rates of reaction and equilibrium
  • Energy Changes
  • Chemical Analysis and mixtures

More detailed breakdown of work will be set every 2 weeks for pupils to complete on Show My Homework, this will usually consist of some note taking and researching and a quiz to check understanding.  
Link to the specification (AQA Chemistry)





In the Autumn Term, Year 10 students complete their study of Early Elizabethan England.

Key Issue 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569-88

What happened during the Revolt of the Northern Earls?

How important were the Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington Plots?

Was Walsingham Elizabeth’s James Bond?

How much commercial rivalry was there between England and Spain?

How did the Netherlands give Elizabeth a headache 1567-84?

How did England’s involvement with the Netherlands contribute to war with Spain?

How did England defeat the Spanish Armada?

What were the consequences of the English victory over the Spanish Armada?


Key Issue 3: Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88

How did the Elizabethans view education?

How did social class determine leisure?

Why did poverty increase?

How and why did attitudes towards the poor change?

Why did Elizabethans want to explore the world?

How important was Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe?

How important were attempts to colonise Virginia?

Why did attempts to colonise Virginia fail?


During the Spring and first part of the Summer Term, they focus on the third unit: The American West 1835-95



Why was the American West so fiercely contested in the years 1835-1895?


Key Issue 1: The early settlement of the West, c1835-c1862

How much can we learn from George Catlin about the Plains Indian way of life?

What was US policy towards the Plains Indians?

Why did people settle in the West?

Why did the Donner Party’s westward migration prove to be such a disaster?

How do you answer the consequences question?

What do the experiences of Abigail Scott Duniway reveal about life on the Great Plains?

What were the consequences of the Fort Laramie Treaty?

What can the Henry Plummer case tell us about lawlessness in the new mining towns?


Key Issue 2: Development of the Plains, c1862-c1876

Who benefited the most from the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railroad Act?

What was the importance of the Trans-continental Railroad?

How effectively did settlers find solutions to the problems of life on the Plains?

Was the ‘Wild, Wild West’ really the ‘Mild, Mild West’?

Was the growth of the railroads really the main reason for the development of the cattle industry?

What was the life of a cowboy like?

Why was Peter French murdered on his ranch – and how did his murderer evade justice?

How did economic, social and political changes affect the Plains Indians?

To what extent was there conflict with the Plains Indians?


Key Issue 3: Conflicts and conquest, c1876-c1895

How did farming change?

How did the cattle industry change?

How did settlement continue to grow?

How successfully were problems of law and order dealt with?

How valid is Ledoux’s interpretation of the Johnson County War?

How much conflict was there with the Plains Indians?

To what extent was the Plains Indians’ way of life destroyed?

How did changing government attitudes affect the Plains Indians?

After the May half term, students begin their final GCSE unit Crime and Punishment c1000-the present



Can you learn 1000 years of crime and punishment in one lesson?

Key Issue 1: How did crime and the definition of crime change between 1000 and the present?

To what extent did the definition of crime change during the Middle Ages?

Why were monarchs so worried about new crimes 1500-1700?

Which crimes were the authorities most worried about in Industrial Period?

How do we answer the 16 mark question?

Was there anything new about 20th century crime?


This unit will be completed during the Autumn Term of Year 1



Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms:

GCSE Theme 2b (Holidays)

  • Practice of ordering in a restaurant + using the present participle
  • Talking about travelling + using avant de + infinitive
  • Buying souvenirs + using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
  • Talking about holiday disasters + using the pluperfect tense
  • GCSE style writing practice
  • GCSE style speaking practice  
  • Module testing
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme

GCSE Theme 3 (School) – we may not finish all of this

  • Revision of school subjects + talking about timetable
  • Talking about school + using pronouns
  • Comparing schools in the UK with schools in French-speaking countries
  • Discussing school rules

Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo once a fortnight.
There will also be extra practice of verbs and tenses along the way as well as plenty of opportunities to extend and practise the language. 


Complete module 4 

  1. Home and rooms in the house as well as activities you do there
  2. Food and drink – describing meal times and learning about typical German food
  3. Daily routine – describing what a normal day looks like
  4. Using social media, using “wenn” (when / if) clauses
  5. Discussing the pros and cons of technology and social media

Module 5/6: Holiday 

  1. Revising the weather
  2. Revising holiday destinations – learning about popular German holiday destinations
  3. Describing holiday types – what type of holiday do you enjoy
  4. Booking accommodation – accommodation types
  5. Hotel rooms
  6. Discussing the pros and cons of accommodation
  7. Describing a recent holiday and using the pluperfect tense
  8. Plans for a future holiday

Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms:

Las vacaciones parte 1: Holidays part 1

  • Booking a hotel
  • Discussing facilities at hotel and asking questions
  • Writing an email complaining about a poor experience
  • Using the preterite and imperfect tense together to describe holiday
  • Using irregular preterite tense verbs to describe finished actions and weather

Las vacaciones parte 2: Holidays part 2

  • Discussing shopping habits  
  • Shopping for souvenirs in Spain
  • Talking an item back to the shop
  • Describe a problem you had on holiday (disastrous holidays)

GCSE tasks and revision for Y10 PPE Exam: 

  • School 1 minute presentation
  • School follow up oral questions

Holidays – oral questions

  • Practice booklet for PPE exams
  • Oral roleplay booklet
  • Photo card booklet

Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo once a fortnight.
There will also be extra practice of verbs and tenses along the way as well as plenty of opportunities to extend and practise the language. 



Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms:

GCSE Theme 2b (Holidays)

  • Practice of ordering in a restaurant + using the present participle
  • Talking about travelling using who, when& how to get there and what did you do…….. E.G. 我和朋友上个月坐飞机去法国滑雪。
  • Buying souvenirs + using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
  • Talking about holiday disasters + using the pluperfect tense
  • GCSE style writing practice
  • GCSE style speaking practice  
  • Module testing
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme

GCSE Theme 3 (School) 

  • Revision of school subjects + talking about timetable
  • Talking about school facilities, uniforms and school lunch  
  • Talking about school subjects teachers  
  • Comparing schools in the UK with schools China -speaking countries
  • Discussing school daily routine in both counties. 

Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo /quizlet once a fortnight.
There will also be extra practice of verbs and tenses along the way as well as plenty of opportunities to extend and practise the language. 


Religious Education 

Topic 1: Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment 
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Theme E
Lesson 2 - Lawbreakers
Lesson 3 - Aims of Punishment
Lesson 4 - Origin of evil and suffering
Lesson 5 - Prison, corporal punishment and community services
Lesson 6 - Forgiveness and prison chaplaincy
Lesson 7 8: Death Penalty

Topic 2: Theme B: Religion and Life

Lesson 1 - 3: Origins of the universe (Creation, Evolution, Debate)
Lesson 4: Use, abuse and exploitation of animals
Lesson 5: Religious views on use of animals
Lesson 5 - 6: : Use and exploitation of natural resources, religious views and social advocacy
Lesson 7 - 9: Abortion, religious views and debates
Lesson 10 - 12: Euthanasia, religious views and debates
Lesson 13: Afterlife in religion


Design and Technology 

Year 10 Design and Technology Plan - Summer Term
Students will be set tasks to cover the remaining theory topics from the “Timbers” section of the D&T course. A guide to the theory topics we will be focussing on can be found on page two of this document. They will also be given some mini design projects, but this will be flexible and we appreciate that students may be limited depending on resources available at home.
Please note that students would usually begin work on their NEA project when this is released by the exam board on 1st June. We will let you know when we have further information on the release date of this part of the course given the current circumstances.
Please make use of the following resources that you have access to:
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology textbook. Remember to focus on:

  • Section 1 – Core Content (p2-85)
  • Section 7- Timbers (p276-311)

Check and challenge your knowledge/understanding by using the following checkpoint boxes and activities which can be found throughout the textbook: 

Focus e-learning – This gives you access to a number of online resources that can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet or computer. The relevant Focus e-learning link will be included on the tasks set on SMHW as this can only be accessed via the school’s licence.

CAD SolidWorks 3D modelling – You have been sent the details via SMHW to download and access this software from home. Unfortunately, this is only available on PC and doesn’t work on a Mac.

BBC Bitesize – this is an excellent online resource which includes videos and interactive tests. Please use the following link to access the Edexcel Design and Technology page:                       



Computer Science 


Points to note:

  • Lessons will be released to students on day of actual class, and where possible, at least 1 week to be given to submit homework.
  • Sample answers will be given out so students can self-mark work.
  • All work to be heavily supported / guided by teachers via provision of teacher led videos or associated tutorials,  specific websites for guided and relevant research
  • All lessons will be concise and appropriately short so as not to overwhelm students. 
  • Students are encouraged by their teachers to contact them in case of any issues 


  • To carry on with delivering remaining sections of curriculum. This generally includes 2 lessons of Paper 2 and 2 lessons of Paper1 as appropriate for both groups. This is the same as we do in school.
  • This term so far we have finished 2 units: preparing for the 20 hour Programming Project which will now be done when school opens, and also the unit of Operating Systems. We have also given students a remote learning app called Smart Revise on which teachers set topics for revision of past topics, and can monitor student progress.
  • We are now launching new units: Paper 1(Unit 1.8 Legal, Ethical, Environmental concerns) and Paper2 (2.4 Computational logic). These will change to new topics as and when they are finished. These topics will be fully guided by teachers. 
  • Continue to use Smart Revise in the same way as before.



Year 10 Projects to be covered this term:

  • Natural Forms – Looking at artists such as Karl Blossfeldt, Peter Randall Page, Georgia O’Keefe & Marcia Baldwin
  • Project 2– To be discussed and agreed with class teacher. Possible starting points, Food, Wrapped, Natural Forms, Portraits, Architecture.

Students working on individually tailored projects based on one of the above themes.



The work set for ‘Home-Learning’ is a mixture of practical exam work continuing on from what students were studying at school and preparation for the Summer exam of Year 11. 

Work has been set in order of priority to aid student’s organisation. 
Students are to continue / complete questions 1-4 of your portfolio. All resources are on Google Class-room and they also have hard copies of example work to help too. Word counts must be added to each section / question (approx. 333 words each).
Due date: 1st May.
Devised Performance:
Students are to ensure the script for their performance is complete, including stage directions and any lighting or sound cues.

Designers need to ensure that their workbook and PowerPoint are completed as best as possible. 

Due date: 1st June - to be submitted by one person in each group. Designers please send PowerPoint and workbooks or photos of workbook.
Note: All lines need to be learnt readiness for return to school. 
Exploration of Set Text: DNA:
As part of the GCSE exam in Year 11, students need to answer questions on how they would perform or design key scenes from DNA by Dennis Kelly. Home-Learning work will take the form of research and preparation for practical exploration when we return to school. Weekly tasks will be set via Show My Homework and should be added to an on-going PowerPoint or workbook which will be used in School and can act as a revision folder for Year 11 too. 
Due dates: Weekly and set on SMHW
Live Theatre Review: 
Another key part of your GCSE exam will be to write a review on a piece of Live Theatre. Students will be set two live performances (via Digital Theatre or National Theatre Archive online) to watch and re-view. 

They will need to write up notes whilst watching the productions and afterwards using the template on SMHW and Google classroom to answer the two given questions for each production. 
Due dates will be set on SMHW with the work.
All work tasks will be put on Show My Homework and Google Classroom for reference. All resources will be on Google Classroom. 
ALL work is to be submitted via email to Miss Parsons




Teachers will be setting students tasks to consolidate their learning on the topics listed below. This will be set on SMHW. Everlearner, Seneca and Google Classroom will be used to set work for each group.

All students are signed up to these online platforms and should be able to login 


  1. Health, fitness & well-being
  2. Applied anatomy & physiology
  3. Sports psychology
  4. Physical Training 
  5. Applied anatomy & physiology
  6. Physical Training 
  7. Sports psychology
  8. Socio-cultural influences

Core PE

During this time it is important that students keep themselves active. In order to support students with this we will set a weekly physical challenge which will cover the different components of fitness:

  1. Strength
  2. Speed
  3. Agility
  4. Balance
  5. Cardio Vascular endurance (aerobic power)
  6. Coordination
  7. Flexibility
  8. Muscular Endurance
  9. Power (anaerobic power)
  10. Reaction time

Alongside this we will be setting quizzes which will cover the following areas:

  1. Health and Fitness
  2. The body and how it works in relation to exercise
  3. Types of exercise
  4. Effects of exercise on the body
  5. Types of training
  6. Nutrition
  7. Fitness Testing
  8. Contemporary issues in sport

Students will also find further challenges on the PE twitter page @PiggottPE
There are many workout videos available on the internet including:
Body Coach
Just Dance
Jessica Ennis
Youth Sports Trust



Weeks 1 and 2 (prior to Easter)

  • Work to complete the unit we had been studying on radio was set and, in the final week before Easter, an assessment was set to measure learning on this unit
  • The assessment was set on Google Classroom but all pupils were emailed to check that they could access it and extra measures were put in place to support pupils who could not (eg, the assessment paper emailed to a pupil who then handwrote her answers, photographed it and emailed it to their teacher)

Weeks 3 to 7 (after Easter)

  • Pupils are being given a series of weekly lessons using PowerPoint slides adapted by JH and videos produced by PS to take them through a unit from Component 2 – Music
  • Pupils are being asked to write practice paragraphs and to submit them via Google Classroom. Teacher feedback is being given via Google Classroom.
  • The music unit will continue after May half term and will be taught in the same way.

Work is set on SMH but completed either on Google Classroom or emailed directly to the class teacher
All pupils are regularly asked to contact their teachers if they have any problems with accessing work and alternative arrangements are being made


Food and Preparation 

Home Learning for Food and Preparation Year 10 students.
Your lessons are four a fortnight so work has been set to cover several lessons- you decide when to complete the theory based task and when you can complete the practical task, I will set dates on SMHW- to help you keep on track.
I will also set Seneca tasks as this will help you with your written exam.
Have a go at the tasks- hopefully you will find them beneficial- please send photos of your practical tasks- as they are great to see! 
A plan of your home learning is as follows: 

Ensure if you can look at your emails regularly and check SMHW

Happy baking and cooking!