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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Yr 8 Options Evening

Year 8 into 9 Options is one of the most exciting times in your education as it gives you your first real opportunity to select some of the subjects that you will study for the next three years. It also marks the start of planning for your future; the decisions that you make now will have an impact on post 16 and career choices.

At The Piggott School our aim is to offer all students a broad, well-balanced and relevant learning programme. All of you will continue to study the examined ‘core’ subjects of: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (single or double) and Religious Studies. You will also study courses in Physical Education and PSHCE. Opportunities exist for you to study a range of other GCSE courses. Every effort is made by your subject teachers, form tutors, Head of Year and the Senior Leadership Team, to offer you information, advice and guidance in the weeks leading up to this time of choice. Below you will find key dates, the Options Booklet and Preferences Form and various presentations from each subject that were presented during the Options Evening.  Good luck with your decision!


Key Dates for GCSE Options 2024
  • Thursday 11th January - Virtual Options Evening

  • Thursday 1st February - Online Parents’ Evening

  • Friday 2nd February - Deadline for options preference form

  • Early March Options - discussions begin

  • End of the summer term - Option choices confirmed

*The Options Booklet and Preferences Form for 2024 will appear here in the coming months


Options Booklet 2024

The Options Booklet details the option choices available for Year 9 students for the academic year 2024/25 All students follow a core curriculum of English Language GCSE, English Literature GCSE, Mathematics GCSE, Science GCSE and Religious Studies GCSE. All students will also study General PE (and will be examined in GCSE PE if they choose PE GCSE as an option) plus PSHCE and or Leadership.

Please click on the link below,

Options Booklet 2024-27

Please click on the link below for the preferences form,

Preferences Form for 2024

Business Studies
Computer Science
Design and Technology
English Language and English Literature
Fine Art
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Media Studies
Physical Education
Religious Education
Statistics and Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics