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Charvil Piggott Primary School

Part of the Piggott Church of England Academy

Supporting learning at home

We subscribe to a number of websites to support children’s learning at home. 

You will receive your child's log in details from us to access these. If you have any problems accessing the sites, please speak to your class teacher. 

Bug Club: 

Online access to book banded reading books to support emerging readers in EYFS, Year 1 - 3

Homework – Holly Park Primary School




Google Classroom:

This online classroom will be used to post weekly spellings and KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)

How do I use Google Classroom? | Tech & Learning



Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS):

This website enables children to rehearse times tables at home. The expectation is that children know up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.


This website helps children develop their quick recall of basic number facts, the building blocks of maths. Year 1 and 2 have access to this. 

How to use Numbots at home. – Worsbrough Common Primary School