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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Captains and Prefects

Following a rigorous selection process including live hustings and a year group vote, the student and staff of The Piggott School have elected four new school captains for the 2023-2024 academic year.


Amelia Smyly has always looked up to the School Captains and is excited about the role. Coming into The Piggott School in Year 7 from a local Primary school, she is keen to make sure that every student feels welcome, the student voice is heard and a wide range of opportunities are given, especially regarding clubs and events. She currently helps to run the Christian Union as well as attending string group, debate club and accompanying the junior choir but is keen to provide more opportunities where students can contribute to the life of the school and fulfil their potential. 

Amelia says “being a School Captain is an honour and I hope that I am able to use this role to bring about meaningful change within The Piggott School which has given me so much over my time here. The values instilled in me by this school will stay with me for the rest of my life.”


Reinalyn Quiñones has been a student at our school since year 7 and has been one of our most responsible and positive students. She is ecstatic to be selected as one of the School Captains, and she is excited to help and support the younger students as much as possible. She hopes to make a positive impact on the school and the community and sees the role as a huge responsibility. She is looking forward to working with many students as well as the wider community to give equal opportunities to everyone. “I can’t wait to get started!”. 



Ben Cleverley is proud to represent his school. He is looking forward to making a difference, by continuing to run clubs like the Key Stage 3 Science Club and the sixth form charity club, Interact.  He is currently studying, Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics. As a cyclist, Ben knows to be resilient and keep trying at any problem he faces, leading to positive change for all students. Ben will use the opportunity of School Captain to fundraise for local causes around the area while supporting students on their academic journey.  

Ambreen Babariya embraces the role of School Captain with a deep sense of gratitude. Her passion for learning extends across her 3 A Level studies Media Studies, Spanish and Maths with a dream of pursuing a career in media and journalism. Ambreen is thrilled at the aspect of working alongside the upcoming year 12 students; "making their transition into the sixth form feel seamless and empowering is a priority for me". Ambreen also aims to shed light onto the importance of mental health during A levels with an aim to create a positive environment for her fellow students. 

Apart from a busy year ahead academically, the School Captains will work hard to fulfil this important role, acting as the liaison between the student body and the rest of the school community. They will be expected to chair Student Council meetings and report back to the Governors each half term about the activities taking place in each year group.

School Prefects 2023-2024

Congratulations to our School Prefects for 2023-2024