GCSE Results
I am very pleased to announce another outstanding set of GCSE results for The Piggott School.
96% of pupils passed English Literature, 89% passed English Language, and 89% passed mathematics GCSE at the new Level 4 or above (a level 4 is equivalent to a C grade). Our combined best English and mathematics Level 4+ pass rate was 88%, our highest ever result. This measure has increased from 75% to 78% to 82% to 88% over the past three years.
Our %5A*-C including best English and mathematics at level 4 or better is 86.5%, our highest ever result. This might increase further still with remarks.
We achieved an amazing 100% pass rate in each of Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Computer Science, Electronics, Photography and Physics.
Our vocational courses were equally successful with a 100% pass rate including 56 Distinction star grades in ECDL and a 100% pass rate for Performing Arts (Dance).
Other notable successes were GCSE A*-C pass rates of 98% in Physical Education, 96% in Art & Design, 94% in Drama, 91% in History, 87% in German, 85% in Geography and 85% in Catering.
Our students and staff work exceptionally hard and this is evidenced once again in this year’s results. The huge majority of our students will be returning to study at our sixth form, together with a significant number of external candidates in September.
Thank you to all the teaching and support staff for their continued hard work, dedication and professionalism. Best ever results! Again! Thank you & Well Done!
D J Gray