Welcome year 12 parents
Dear Parents of year 12 students,
Please can I take this opportunity to welcome you as parents to our sixth form community, we are delighted to be working with you as we guide your son or daughter through their studies.
Our Sixth Form welcome evening is scheduled for Thursday 16th September. It would have been lovely to have invited you into school, but we have decided that in order to keep the community safe, my presentation to be pre-recorded. The information communicated on this evening will be useful for all parents, but especially for parents going through this process for the first time. Following the presentation, we will make available a Google form where you can post questions that are of a general nature. Following the presentation should you have a question that relates to your child specifically please direct those to myself, Karen Burch (Head of Year 12) burchk@piggottschool.org or Mr Dusterhoft (Head of Sixth Form) dusterhoftd@piggottschool.org.
My presentation will be available from Thursday evening onwards on the sixth form pages of our website.
Best wishes,
Ms Karen Burch
Head of Year 12