Former Year 13 Certificate Collection Event - Tuesday 13th December 2pm
GCE A Level Certificates Summer 2016 exams series: drop-in Tuesday 13th December from 2pm in the Library
Former Year 13 students, we are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 13th December. The time has come to receive your valuable, hard-earned certificates, whilst catching up with your friends and former teachers and sharing in some festive spirit.
Please register with Reception on arrival, and sign out on departure.
Once you receive your certificates, please check them, notify the Exams Office immediately if any grades are missing or incorrect, and keep them in a safe place.
If you are unable to stop by on this date, your certificates will be available for collection from Reception on a drop in basis (please bring ID to prove your identity) from 9am-4pm during school term time until Friday 10th February 2017 (just before Spring half term). After half term, certificates will be stored securely until Friday 14th July 2017 – please contact Reception in advance to arrange collection. After that date, all remaining certificates from the Summer 2016 exams series will be shredded; you would have to approach each exam board directly for replacement certificates, at a significant monetary cost.
You will be required to sign for your certificates when you collect them from school. If you are unable to collect your certificates personally, you can arrange for a named person to collect them on your behalf: that person will need to give us a letter, hand-signed by you, authorising them by name to collect your certificates on your behalf. That person will also need to bring proof of their identity with them.
Merry Christmas!