Coronavirus (Covid-19) update March 2nd
Dear Parents
I write regarding the updated advice from the Department for Education received this afternoon and a summary of the school’s response.
In regards to hygiene, the school ordered and received hand sanitiser for all classrooms with boxes of tissues last week, and also placed a new order for more last week, and again today.
Our toilets are cleaned each evening by our cleaning contractors and monitored during the day. I have personally, with a female member of staff, checked all the pupil toilets on the Wargrave site earlier this morning. Every single toilet area has hand wash and hand drying facilities. I have instructed the site team to check the levels of hand wash during the day, each day. There are female sanitary bins in each toilet area. One cubicle was found to be missing a bin and the site team will liaise with our contractors to resolve this.
Unfortunately the main quad girls’ toilet area was vandalised somewhat over the weekend, when they were open for some lettings. We are contacting our lettings to see if they can shed light on this. One tap was broken and this was replaced this morning, with this set of toilets being out of action for a brief time.
Children are being reminded about good handwashing at assemblies and posters displaying advice are in evidence around the site.
I will continue to post updates on the school website and ask you to review regularly. The school has the best interests of all our families at the forefront of all the decisions we make. We are following Public Health England advice. The school will continue to prioritise the health, safety and wellbeing of all pupils, staff, parents and the wider school community.
Yours faithfully
D J Gray
We are continuing to keep you updated on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Department for Education Coronavirus helpline
Today, we have launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
The importance of hygiene
Personal hygiene is the most important way we can tackle COVID-19. Please help us in sharing simple and effective hand hygiene messages.
Public Health England has a dedicated webpage with a range of posters and digital materials at:
Sign up is quick, free and means you will be alerted as more resources are made available.
New guidance for employers
The Department for Business (BEIS) and Public Health England have issued guidance for employers, which you can find at:
Where to find the latest information
Updates on COVID-19:
Guidance for educational settings:
Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas: