Piggott heroes complete virtual marathon
Huge shout out to our latest #Piggottheroes, Art teacher Miss Foster and PE teacher Miss Fellowes for completing the virtual London Marathon last weekend alongside 45,000 other people across the country.
You can keep up with all the latest news and events from The Piggott School via the news tiles below, Twitter or our School Blogs.
For copies of all letters sent home please visit the Letters and latest News page.
Physical Education @PiggottPE | A-Level Languages @piggenglang |
Mathematics @3142ggott | Computer Science @PiggottCS |
History @piggotthistory | Sociology @piggology |
Psychology @piggpsych | Science @PiggiodicTable |
Business Studies @PiggottBS | Piggott Trips @PiggottTrips |
In case you missed it, here are some recent press articles featuring stories about The Piggott School.
Huge shout out to our latest #Piggottheroes, Art teacher Miss Foster and PE teacher Miss Fellowes for completing the virtual London Marathon last weekend alongside 45,000 other people across the country.
Choosing a secondary school that your child will be happy and thrive in is a big decision. This is a major milestone in your child's life and the decision is an important one. We regret not being able to welcome you through our doors, so we want to help make this decision as easy as possible for you and your child by providing you with a series of Open Evening activities that will take you inside The Piggott School.
Wednesday 30th September
On Wednesday 30th September, we encourage you to explore our Open Evening videos with your child. They will provide you with the opportunity to virtually tour our school, hear from our staff and pupils and get a sense of the culture and community that exists at The Piggott School.
Wednesday 7th October & Thursday 8th October @ 3:30pm join our LIVE WEBINAR
On these two dates, parents and pupils are invited to join a LIVE Webinar that will offer a chance to ask some questions and interact with some members of the school community. This webinar will be a closed forum so if you would like to join one of the sessions, we invite you to register your interest below.
Dear Parents/ Carers
I write in regards to our contingency planning: lockdown arrangements in place in the case of confirmed COVID-19 cases within the school community.
The feedback during the latter half of the Summer term was that 4 or 5 hours per day on MS Teams was too much for many children. Teams lessons in partial or complete lockdown will follow the current three lessons per day, for approximately one hour each, starting at 9am, 11am and 1:30pm. The remaining time during the day will be for children to undertake exercise, directed study, household chores, revision and homework completion.
Teams lessons will be led by the class teacher and, where possible, moderated by an additional member of teaching or support staff. As we will now have seven year groups (as opposed to five during the Summer lockdown) and we may have individual year groups working from home, we will retain the current timetable rather than transition into a new, specific homeworking timetable.
Some timetable changes may be implemented to assist departments in proving full coverage, possibly including a 3pm to 4pm lesson in some subjects.
Staff who are self-isolating, and are fit and able, will set work and conduct Teams lessons wherever possible. Staff who are unwell will not be expected to conduct Teams lessons. In the event of other schools’ or nurseries’ full or partial closures, staff may need to care for their own children at home. In these situations work will be set for students and, wherever possible and practicable, staff will conduct Teams lessons.
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 they must remain at home. Please let your child’s tutor and Head of Year know via email as soon as possible if your child is at home with symptoms. All members of the household must then isolate for 14 days, or until a negative test result for the symptomatic child is received.
If you or your children receive a positive test result you must inform school immediately via email to your child’s form tutor, Head of Year and to the school office. Please mark the message as URGENT.
Thank you for your messages of support since school reopened. It has been an especially busy time for all adapting to the changes in place. School is a little different this year, but, as we hoped, still the same in so many ways, including fish and chips today.
Yours faithfully
D J Gray
Here is the latest guidance for schools from Public Health England (PHE) regarding testing and shielding.
Please read the letter below regarding returning to school.
Kind Regards
Mr D J Gray (Headteacher)
Dear Student,
The autumn exams are an opportunity for students who either were unable to receive a calculated grade in the summer, or who want to try to improve their grade, to sit their exams. If you wish to be entered in the autumn then please be aware that the deadlines are very tight.
Deadlines for entry
AS & A levels
3 September 2020
GCSEs except English language and maths
7 September 2020
GCSEs in English language and maths
2 October 2020
Exam dates
AS & A levels
5 October to 23 October 2020
2 November to 23 November 2020
Please also note that if you have submitted an appeal, this will not be concluded before the autumn deadlines and to avoid disappointment, you should consider making an entry straight away. Entry Form can be found here
Please download and view the Powerpoint presentation attached below.
Re-opening the Wargrave site for all learners from September 2020
Protective measures from the DfE guidance – ‘System of controls’ to be implemented by the school
How contacts are reduced will depend on the school’s circumstances and will include:
In preparation for re-opening the school site to all of the school community, staff and students are required to understand and adhere to the code of conduct outlined below.
The School day:
Equipment and Facilities:
Travelling between home and school :
Tutor time:
Break time and Lunch time:
Learning in the classroom:
Changes to learning styles:
Behaviour and conduct on site:
As the UK’s largest specialist Schoolwear retailer we are very aware that for pupils returning this
Autumn Term, it is going to be a bit different. At Stevensons we have been working hard to make sure
any disruption is kept to a minimum, but with the most challenging year in our almost 100 years of
existence, it has proved tough.
Disrupted Deliveries
In “normal” times one of our key measures of performance is stock levels, making sure we have the
right stock in the right place at the right time we know is critically important. But these are not
“normal” times, and many factors from country lockdowns, factory shutdowns and delays to
supplier shipments have conspired to work against the delivery of our own high standards. But please
rest assured we are doing everything we can to lessen the impact on our customers.
Don’t panic, we’re on it!
This year we know we will struggle to have all the stock we need before term starts. We don’t like it
any more than you. Our School Account Management Team will be in regular contact to keep all of
our partner Schools up-to-date with any specific school stock issues.
Pop-in to Top Up
As the start of term approaches, our stores will move from appointments only, to accepting
customers popping into store to pick up any outstanding/remaining items, without the need to
pre-book. This should make it easier for those last-minute top-up items or customers needing to
return items.
We won’t stop doing everything we can
Our fantastic warehouse teams have been packing orders at a record rate. The teams have been very
busy dealing with an incredible 90% increase in online orders, this summer. We have fulfilled 92% of
the orders this year compared to the 96% from last year and we are working hard to fulfil the orders
that haven’t been sent out as of yet.
We are sending out items as we receive in deliveries, so we are having to split more orders than
necessary. So, we’d ask customers to bear with us should there be a delay to part of any orders. If any
of the items ordered are temporarily out of stock, they will be sent on as soon as we receive them.
When we say, ‘it’s in the post’, we really mean it
We are aware that some postal deliveries are taking longer than expected and so are asking
customers not to phone us to chase specific delivery dates, but to please email us with the order
details to avoid extended queuing on the phone. Our customer service department is working
tirelessly trying to respond to customers queries, aiming to respond within 48 hours.
Continued Communication
We are making extensive use of our social media channels, pop-ups on the website and information in
the website ‘News’ section of stevensons.co.uk. We will continue this approach to keep customers
up-to-date with the constantly changing situation.
Rest assured, we are working hard to make this Back-to-School as near to normal as we can.
Email: customerservices@stevensons.co.uk
A Level & Level 3 Vocational Results
I am pleased to announce another outstanding set of A Level and Level 3 Vocational results for The Piggott School in each of our Academic, Applied General and Technical courses. Staff and students have all worked exceptionally hard and this is reflected in the grades awarded.
A level results at The Piggott School continue to show year on year improvement, from an already very high baseline. Our A level pass rate was 99.7% with grades at A* & A again at our highest ever at over 33%. 66% of our results were graded at A*-B and 88% graded A*-C. The average point score per A level entry was 39 points using the QCA system.
Our Vocational Level 3 pass rate for Applied General qualifications was 100%, with Distinction star to Merit being 97%. For Technical subject entry, every student passed the course with at least a Merit grade, 86% at Distinction or Distinction star.
This once again shows our outstanding sixth form as a centre of excellence for Academic, Applied General and Technical learning.
I wish all our students the very best for their future and thank all the teaching and support staff for their continued dedication and professionalism.
D J Gray
Please read read the letter below if you are expecting some GCSE and A-Level results
Please take a moment to watch the video below
Please click the link below for our latest guide to on-site learning at The Piggott School for the coming school year.
Timetables of online lessons for week commencing 13th July can be found below. As has been the case over recent weeks, teachers will communicate these times with pupils via Microsoft Teams. Pupils should look out for lesson invites – once accepted, the lesson will appear in the Outlook calendar. Any lesson changes will be communicated with pupils via email.
During lockdown, many staff and students came together by submitting recordings of themselves singing and playing a piece called Singing Together Apart, written by Boff Whalley.