‘Give and Take Care’ Launch Event
‘Give and Take Care’ Launch Event, here at The Piggott School!
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In case you missed it, here are some recent press articles featuring stories about The Piggott School.
‘Give and Take Care’ Launch Event, here at The Piggott School!
GCE A Level Certificates Summer 2016 exams series: drop-in Tuesday 13th December from 2pm in the Library
Two former Piggott students investigate
If you interested in completing your Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award you can do this at the Eyot Centre, Henley.
Thank you to all who attended our Remembrance Service on Friday
Non Uniform Day this Friday in aid of Launchpad – donations £1 please
All parents are warmly invited to the PSA AGM
Headteacher's Introduction
Thank you for visiting The Piggott School's new website.
I believe that our school provides the perfect balance and blend of academic challenge, personal care, development and enrichment that allows for the holistic development of each and every child: the development of the child as an individual, as a whole person. The quality of teaching and learning which occurs at our school enables us to achieve our aim to help our students to develop into the very best they can be.
Our School Aims permeate every aspect of school life. We help our students by providing a caring environment based on Christian Values. We help them
My staff passionately advocate the importance of recognising each and every child as an individual; with their own gifts and talents; their own needs, their own aspirations. I believe the care and guidance offered at The Piggott School by our truly outstanding staff provides a culture and ethos that successfully helps our students to become whatever they wish to be. To be the best they can be.
“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of The Piggott School as a Church of England
School are outstanding”. SIAMS 2016
We were last inspected by OfSTED in January 2014, when they said:
In 2016 our GCSE and Level 2 results were the best in the school’s history with 78% of students achieving 5A*-C including English and maths. 91% passed maths GCSE and 82% English Language. Our Progress 8 score of +0.78 shows that on average every pupil at The Piggott achieves three quarters of a grade higher, in every P8 subject, compared to national rates of progress.
Our A level and Level 3 results were equally impressive, being the highest in Wokingham for A*-B grades. Our progress measure, ALPS, shows we are in the top 10% of schools in the country for progress from GCSE.
The Piggott School is not just about examination results. Our extra curricular offer is amazing. Every child in Year 7 has the opportunity to visit France, in Year 8 Germany or Holland. We have ski-trips, trips to the Natural History Museum, Dinton Pastures, Marwell Zoo, The West End and Wycombe Swan, Harry Potter World, Thorpe Park, Hampton Court, the Big Bang Fair, EuroDisney, Italy, New York, Iceland, Kenya. We have Foreign exchanges each year to France, Spain & Germany. We also have a biennial trip to China.
We have sports clubs such as football for boys and for girls, dodgeball, rowing, badminton, cross country, rugby, netball, athletics, table tennis, dance, cricket, trampolining & fitness.
We have competitions, drama productions, music concerts and recitals, choir, instrumental tuition, band club, robot club, Young Engineers, chess club, film club, debating, Dragons Den, Horrible Histories. The list is nigh endless. My staff, teachers and support staff, are exceptionally dedicated professionals who continually strive to make this school the excellent school it is, and I am indebted to them for their commitment, passion and achievements.
Our Christian School Values are:
Our Values: Respect, Equality, Honesty, Dedication, Courage and Love; are what make us different. They define who we are and our relationships with each other. Our mission is to be a school which inspires and encourages the highest achievement for each and every child. Our Values reflect this mission and are evidenced in every aspect of our school.
We were inspected by SIAMS in March 2016. SIAMS is the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools and occurs every five years. Inspectors reviewed documentation, conducted learning walks, observed lessons and collective acts of worship, met with parents, governors, staff and pupils over a two day inspection.
The inspectors concluded that “The distinctiveness and effectiveness of The Piggott School as a Church of England school are outstanding”.
Our mission is to be a school which inspires and encourages the highest achievement for each and every child. Our Values reflect this mission and are evidenced in every aspect of our school.
Thank you for viewing our website and I look forward to you welcoming you to The Piggott School.
D J Gray
he Piggott School student Euan Woods was again selected to play in the Berkshire CCC Minor Counties 1st X1 this season and scored 32 runs in their first one day match against Wiltshire; In a 3 day match away against Herefordshire, Berkshire were bowled out for 276 on the first day, Euan scored 12!
While some of year 8 were in Germany, the rest were doing a Shakespeare Workshop and learning things about Shakespeare and theatre.
On Monday 27th June 2016, some of the Year 7 students went to Marwell Zoo.