BBC School Report

Year 9 students from The Piggott School will be making the news for real on 15 March 2018 as they take part in BBC News School Report.
We aim to publish the news by 1600 GMT on News Day, so please save this page as a favourite and return to it later.
- School Budgets
- Mental Health
Mental Health is a prominent issue in today’s society and come the 21st century, illnesses like anxiety and depression are at an all-time-high. In fact, in the past 25 years rates of anxiety and depression amongst adolescents have increased by 70%.
In a 2016 survey, it was revealed that 93 % of teachers reported seeing increased rates of mental illness among children and teenagers and 90% thought the issues were getting more severe, with 62% dealing with a pupil's mental-health problems at least once a month and an additional 20% doing so on a weekly or even daily basis.
For parents and teachers this is a difficult subject to acknowledge: an epidemic of young people at odds with the world around them is hardly a positive reflection of the society they’ve hand built for their children and ultimately successors.
With more and more celebrities and personalities in the spotlight of the mainstream media opening up about mental health, it is apparent that there is more awareness on the subject, making it easier for teenagers to come to terms with their problems, however support is still not adequate for our youths as the ‘child and adolescent mental health services’ (CAMHS) receive less than 0.6 per cent of the total NHS budget in funding.
If you’re reading this then just know that you have a right to be concerned, there is no criteria to guarantee an individual's mental state however there are signs:
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Lack of motivation
- Loss of interest
- Significant and consistent loss or increase in appetite
- Fatigue and emotional exhaustion
- Distant or antisocial behaviour
- Increase of emotional distress
- Addiction
- Self-guilt, blame and even hate
- Suicidal of self-harmful thoughts
Research shows that mental health issues can even lead to behaviours such as:
- Abandonment
- Substance abuse
- Self-esteem decrease
- Addiction
- Restlessness
- Violence
- Educational issues
I would advise anybody suffering with these symptoms to contact a friend, family member, teacher or medical expert immediately as it is the best course of action to overcome a mental illness such as anxiety or depression.
Corey: Just remember the Samaritans are a service open to everybody and anybody suffering or in need of support at any time and 100% free to call, write, email or visit at your local Samaritans branch.
Dial : 116 123
- Logan Paul
- Use of Phones
- CyberFirst
- Mock Trials
- Suffrage
- Sparathon
- Weather