Online Learning Resources
In the event that your son/daughter is not in school they can still access the wide range of online learning tools that they have at their disposal. This will support their learning during this time.
These include:
- Show My Homework
- Office 365
- Google Classroom
Multiple Subjects
- BBC Bitsesize
- Kerboodle
- SAM Learning
- Seneca
- MyMaths
- MathsWatch
- Digital Theatre
- E-Mag
- Sparknotes
- Historical Association
- Illuminate (GCSE Food)
- Code Academy
- This is language
- Memrise
- Quizlet
- Duolingo
- Linguascope
- Languages Online
- Zut
- Tutor2u
Please ensure that your son/daughter knows the login for each platform that they use. In most cases it will be the normal login for the school system.
More sites will be added to this list in the coming days
Home Learning Resources List for Schools and Families from
- Homework booklets by Garry Hammonds:
- Key Stage 3 - Dahl / Macbeth / Sachar / Dickens / Poe / Orwell / Steinbeck / Romeo and Juliet / Hunger Games
- Key Stage 4 - Creative writing / Nonfiction writing / Poetry – Nature / Personal / Society
- Dropbox files from Susan Strachan
- CrickerSoft - Reading and writing software for all abilities - Free during this period
- Douglas Wise - GCSE English and English Literature resources
- Mr Bruff podcasts - Covering a range of English literature topics
- The Traditional teacher - GCSE English resources
- Driver Youth Trust - over 50 free resources, designed to help teachers get *all* of their learners engaged with reading, writing, communication
- Jane Considine "If schools in the UK close, I will be delivering daily English activities by video for pupils to complete at home. More details to follow. If you’re interested in your children getting involved"
- Love My Books - Creative, fun activities to support children's literacy
- Peter Wharmby - Teaching resources - mostly audio of me talking about an aspect of English Language or English Literature - YouTube
- No Red Ink - builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data
- Carter's Yard Phonics - Free access to Augmented Reality phonics cards - phonics and reading - images, text and ‘Zap codes' to view online and to print at home.
- Google Drive files - Shared by Ashley Booth
- Discovery Education - Free tool to make your own word puzzles
- The Reading Realm - Free home learning packs/book and library challenges/quizzes/discussion guides/games and stories written by children for children! You can also now draw/write your own stories, poems, reviews, diaries etc, in the app too
- IXL - All ages, database of resources
- Epic - Free 30-day trial - instant access to a range of books (age 12 and under)
- Audible - Free for this period - Available in 6 languages
- Phonics Play - Free resources and a free trial
- Nessy - Help for children with Dyslexia - free trial
- Chris Grabenstein has given permission for teachers to video themselves reading his books online - royalty free
- CLPE - Free plans, videos, teaching notes for all year groups in primary
- Houghton Mifflin Books - Learning activities based on numerous books
- Elamentari - Write and code interactive stories - free access during school closures
- Gutenburg - Download free books, e.g. Shakespear, Edgar Allen Poe, Frankenstein, etc.
- Solomon Kingsnorth - Free books in PDF, Word and audiobook format - Alice in Wonderland / Wind in the Willows / The Railway Children / The Jungle Book / Peter Pan / Black Beauty
- British Library - How to make a mini book
- Read great literature online - Free Ebooks, poetry, classic literature
- Read Free Literature - also includes study guides
- 50,000 free ebooks - arranged by genre
- 3000 Ebooks and audiobooks - free for children of all ages
- Audible stories - Free during this period
- Open Library Access - Free
- Children's books read online - Facebook
- Kids’ Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen - Free stories, poems, songs, and jokes - YouTube. Subscribe and only click on that name
- Cambridge University Press - ALL 700 textbooks are currently available FREE in HTML format
- Hoopla - Public library online
- Creative writing resources - By Lou Enstone
- Trugs - Phonic reading games for all children, including those who cannot read or have dyslexia. Email: for 20% off using cv2020
- Reading aloud - Children can listen to stories being read aloud - YouTube
- EALhub - Home learning area
- EFL - Rivet - Free app recommended for those learning English
- Teach your child to read - free resources
- Third Space learning - Primary resources for schools, and parent/carers guides to learning at home/support/advice/resources
- Mathster - Free worksheets
- Dr Frost's maths - Free database of resources
- Khan Academy - Includes YouTube videos
- The Maths Mum "I’ll be running daily ‘live’ tutorials on my FB and IG feed covering maths topics and setting work for all primary school years. Also, regular Q&A sessions to help with any questions/problems"Maths Genie
- Number stacks - Free 14-day trial and resources
- Maths with parents - Free support with school closures
- Times Table Rock Stars - Free, full access for schools
- Bond Bonanza - Free App helping children to move away from counting numbers up to 20 to turn them into instantly recallable number bonds
- Mathletics - Free trial for school and home
- Manga High - Full, free access at this time - Game-based learning
- Maths Learn - Online tutorials for all ages
- First 4 maths - a few free worksheets (Yr 4/Yr6) to help engage children in maths at home - no login and all free
- My Mini Maths - (Yr 3, 4, 5, 6) Home learning packs ready to download
- Bedtime Maths - Fun, offline maths activities
- Sparks Maths virtual classroom - 2000+ learning objectives for KS3 and GCSE - Free during the school closures
- Parallel - Weekly 15 minute maths challenges – interesting, fun and challenging material that goes beyond school maths
- GCSE - Study Maths / On Maths / MathsBot
- CGP app - Revise for AQA Science
- 23 equations - Learn your GCSE equations wherever you are
- GCSE Free Science lessons - Youtube videos
- Crash Course Kids - science with a bit of awesome - Youtube videos
- Cognito - YouTube videos
- Mystery Science - Free 1-year membership
- Biology Lab - Lab bench activities
- AQA Biology foundation - Workbooks
- AQA Biology - booklets
- Alchemie - Chemistry resources
- ChemMatters - Chemistry articles
- ChemCollective - virtual laboratories
- CogSciSci - A range of biology, Chemistry, and Physics resources
- Chemistry and biology videos - Kay Science
- Physics, Chemistry, and biology - resources
- For lower attaining pupils - resources
- Chemistry resources - Integrated instructions, chemistry revision sheets; quiz cards, KS3 retrieval roulette, Freyer models find and fix and collated biology slop - By Louise Cass
- Year 11 triple Chemistry - resources
- KS3 Chemistry and Physics - Revision questions / Activities
- Physics-tutor - A range of blogs on various physics topics
- AQA GCSE Physics - Explaining the FIFA method
- NASA for Kids - Games, latest news about the satellite launches, photos from the space and interviews of astronauts
- Royal institution - Make your own science experiments at home
- Education Place - Lesson plans for topics including - plants/energy/space/nature
- ICell - Explore cells - App or online
- UEN - Interactive science activities
- Edhead - Virtual learning online
- KS3 resources on a range of topics - By Tom Grafton
- Basic Genetics / PHET interactive simulations - virtual science experiments
- Royal institute - Christmas lectures. A series of lectures presenting scientific subjects to a general audience in an entertaining manner.
- James Dyson foundation - Challenge cards - how many can you complete?
- Periodic videos - Science-related YouTube videos
Modern Languages
- KooBits - 10 Free websites for language learning
- Open Culture - learn 48 different languages online - FREE
- Learn 10 useful things to say in...
- FrenchTeacher.Net - Secondary French free study packs
- One Third Stories - Free resources for learning French & Free digital story box
- Fluent in 3 months - French
- One Third Stories - Free resources for learning Spanish & Free digital story box
- Duo Lingo - A fun way to learn a range of languages
- BBC - Free curriculum mapped videos
- Gelligaer Roman fort - Teaching resources
- Historical association - 20th Century history
- University of Alabama - Free online archaeology and Egyptology Uni courses (create an account to log on)
- Museums from around the world - Virtual, online tours
- British Museum - Free videos
- BBC Radio 4 - The History of the world - podcasts
- 50 things that made modern economy - Podcasts
- Access to 500 Museums & Art Galleries - Free, online
Explore the architecture and history of Rome, walking around a 3D digital model of the ancient city, with this free online course.
- 165 History resources - By Karen Knight
- Teaching history - 100 objects from museums across the UK with resources, information and teaching ideas to inspire interest in history
- Open Culture - 6000 digital history books for children to read online
- Tutorful - Top Geography websites, YouTube videos, and resources
- Online film festival - Resistance in the Rainforest
- Reach out reporter - news and information about nature
- Virtual Tours / Aquarium - Virtual online tours - including zoos, landmarks in foreign countries, etc.
- BREEF - Coral reef virtual tour
- National Geographic - Information and games for children
- Seterra - Free world geography, online quizzes
Arts and culture
- Art for Kids Hub - YouTube videos
- Expressive Arts resources - Riverside school
- Marquee TV - streaming arts and culture
- Concerts online - Various concerts held without audiences to stream online for people having to stay at home - list of live streaming concerts
- J P Brewer - View classic paintings online
- Walter's Museum - houses the highest artistic achievements from nearly every corner of the world
- Red Ted Art / Crafts for Kids / Art Bar - Craft activities for children and young people
- Facebook Virtual Choir - Duet with a choir online
- Rob Biddulph an artist posting draw-along videos via Twitter here
- Google Arts and culture - Learn something new every day!
- UK parliament - Politics, history, citizenship, etc
- Silver cross - Junk modeling ideas
- ICompute - I.T. Learn Programming and Computational Thinking resources
- Codecademy - learn to code - free trial
- Purple Mash & Serial Mash - Free for all schools & also Free resources
- Blocky games - Games to help beginners learn computer programming skills
- Scratch - Beginners computer programming games/projects
- Music Gurus - Free resources that everyone can use for the next 30 days
Movement and exercise
- PE with Joe Wicks - YouTube videos
- Dance Syndrome - plans to provide inclusive online dance lessons during this period
- Gnoodle - Energetic education - Fun, exercise ideas
- iMoves - Free, fun activities to get children moving
- Cosmic Kids - Yoga videos for children
SEND specific websites
- ChatterPack - Free resources, articles and an A-Z information directory of SEND information
- Simpson Millar - are holding a daily SEND Q&A session to answer any questions in the Education Matters group on FaceBook
- A video by Steve Broach, Public Law Barrister, explaining the coronavirus bill and the implications for disabled children
- Education and Learning foundation - Teaching, learning and assessment resources for young people with SEND
- CrickerSoft - Reading and writing software for all abilities - Free during this period
- Down Syndrome - A list of resources to support learners with Down Syndrome and their families
- Inclusive teach - FREE downloadable resources
- Kim Griffrin, Occupational Therapist - Daily fine motor activities families can follow along to at 11am on Facebook - the videos will also be available on Griffin OT-YouTube
- SEN resources blog - Advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books, and resources for children with SEND
- GoBoardmaker - Free resources
- Tobiidynavox 10 weeks of free content, leveled and thematic units created with Boardmaker - books, communication supports, speech/language activities for students with communication difficulties and SEND
- Accessibite - Free apps to support students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, have reading difficulties
- BrailleWeek - Worksheets in Braille
- Visual impairment - Resources
- Journey for peace - An online project with a visual impairment awareness focus through the medium of comics
- SENDcast - Podcasts on sensory processing and dyslexia
- ALN Home School - Resources for parents of children with additional needs
- EasterSeals - Free visual timetable resources - to help with school closures
- Autcraft - A modulated and monitored, online site for autistic children and young people
- Reader Pen - A pen scanner for those with reading difficulties - that reads text out aloud in English/Spanish/French - Free 14 day trial - Sign up here
- Sensory Project - List of online, sensory learning resources
Websites offering resources for multiple subjects
- EYFS and Primary
- ABC Mouse - Reading, maths, science
- Academics - Games based on a range of subjects
- CrickWeb - Free, online educational resources and games
- Classroom Secrets - Free learning packs
- Kapow - Art, music, IT, languages, relationships, wellbeing -14-day free trial
- TTS - Free downloadable primary packs covering a range of subjects
- Robin Hood MAT - 7 weeks worth of learning projects
- World united - Free worksheets for children
- Hungry little minds - Simple, fun activities for under 5's
- Oxford Owl - Phonics and reading games
- Early learn - Free to sign-up for one month
- ABCYA - Free educational games
- WPS Home learning resources - Year 1 resources
- Secondary, GCSE and A-levels
- GCSE pod
- Get revising - Resources by exam board and specification
- A-Level study tools
- Massolit - Offering a free subscription during this time
- WLS resources - Free A-Level PE resources
- Higher education
- Open Culture - 1,500 free courses from top Universities
- University of Cambridge - Undergraduate courses and HE/Post 16 resources
- All Ages
- BBC is announcing a daily educational show for key stages and year groups on iPlayer, expanding BBC Bitesize, educational podcasts etc and BBC Four doing shows on A Level and GCSE curriculum
- Seneca - English, Geography, Maths, History, Biology, Spanish, French
- Great schools / WorksheetFun / All Kids / HomeSchool4Me - Free printable worksheets
- BBC bitesize
- Smithsonian - 8 Digital educational resources
- Actively learn - standards-aligned assignments in ELA, science & social studies are now free for teachers through the end of the school year.
- Homework Elephant - Covering a range of subjects
- Every school - Free resources on a range of subjects
- Top marks - Covering a range of subjects
- The Education Hub - Ideas for Apps/craft/virtual tours/Online resources/Podcasts
- TES - A range of free resources
- Twinkl - Free access to all Twinkl resources for schools and parents for a month
- Infobase databases and video streaming collections - Username: JCS_Distance and Password: learning to access:
- Boromi - Sign up for free daily play emails - an offline, home play activity using everyday materials sent daily (+ printable) - EYFS teachers/parents/ carers
- Adapt - Free revision app - available from Google Play and App Store
- Wellington College - Study guide/study skills
- Kidztype - Games to improve typing skills
- Open Learn - Free, online courses, Open university
- ChatterPack - Free resource - Developing children's vocabulary
- Google Hangouts / Zoom - Learning and interacting with others
- Gardening for children - YouTube videos
- T.K.S.S.T - Smart videos for curious minds of all ages
- Crayola / Colouring4Kids - Free colouring pages to print
- Disney - Online colouring
- Fun at home - Learning videos on a range of topics/ages
- Kent Wildlife association - Simple ideas for things you can do at home to help wildlife
- iDEA - An international programme that helps you develop/demonstrate your digital, enterprise and employability skills for free
- Expeditions App - Free virtual Reality Augmentation app for all ages, to take virtual trips around the world to hundreds of destinations.
- Home learning planners
For families - ideas for activities, advice and learning tools
- Suddenly Homeschooling - A Message from a Veteran Homeschool Parent
- Sensory Stuck at home - A support group run by therapists/professionals on Facebook
- Occupational Deprevision and self-isolation - Dan Waldron, Occupational Therapist
- Designing a structure to your day at home - Emma Spillaine
- How to keep your children engaged at home - Good morning America
- Ideas for sensory fun at home - ChatterPack blog
- Home learning resources - Skills builder
- A-Z of sensory learning activities - InclusiveTeach
- Ways to learn through play at home - SEN resources blog
- Lots of ideas for activities at home - Scouts association
- Learning with Lego - Lesson plans - YouTube video
- Survival tips for parents - Activities for home - 3 Psychologies
- The world's largest learning community - Pen Pal Schools
- Ideas for offline learning - Try this teaching
- Non-screen activities to do at home - Pobble
- 25 foods you can re-grow at home from food scraps - DIY and crafts
- Learning games online - PBS Kids
- Learning activities for the garden - Nature detectives - Woodland Trust
- Creative play and learning for children at home - The Imagination Tree
- 50 ideas of activities to do at home - ABC Does
- Online learning games - Sheppard software
- Build your own game - or play games with others online - Roll20
- Supporting learning at home - Dr Janet Goodall - Pinterest
- Play board games online - Board Game arena
- Virtual farm trip - American dairy association
- Edinburgh Zoo - Live streams: Panda Cam / Tiger Cam / Penguin Cam / Rock Hopper Penguin Cam / Koala Cam
- Virtual field trips - 30 locations