Please take the time to answer these questions to help us monitor academic achievement at the school. The Government has asked schools to collect this information. However, you don’t have to give the information unless you want to. Any information you do give will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, our skin colour, languages, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth. The information commissioner (formerly Data Protection Registrar) recommends that young people aged over 11 years old have the opportunity to decide their own ethnic identity. Parents or those with parental responsibility are asked to support or advise those children aged over 11 in making this decision, wherever necessary. Pupils aged 16 or over can make this decision for themselves.
Why are you asking if I am new to the UK?
This information is solely to identify whether the student may need additional language support.
The Piggott School Admission Agreement
This agreement seeks to establish a constructive working partnership between students, parents and staff that will ensure that all students make full use of their skills and talents.
Please read it carefully before signing below.
This agreement seeks to establish a constructive working partnership between students, parents and staff that will ensure that all students make full use of their skills and talents. Please read it carefully before signing below.
1. ACHIEVEMENT: Each student will be helped to set and achieve his or her own individual educational goals.
2. ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend school regularly and to arrive punctually for all lessons. It is the legal responsibility of parents to ensure full attendance. It is the responsibility of the student to make up any work missed by absence. Holidays must not be taken during school term time.
3. CODE OF CONDUCT: Everyone is required to observe the School Code of Conduct and abide by our school values.
4. HOMEWORK: Students will be set regular homework and it is expected that parents will oversee its completion. Social commitments and paid employment should not interfere with homework.
5. PLANNER: Students are issued with a planner, which contains their timetable and other vital information. They are expected to record homework in it. Staff will use it to send messages to parents. Parents are asked to sign it weekly and to write any comments and information in it. The planner must be taken to all lessons and, if it is lost, must be replaced by the student (Cost £5).
6. SANCTIONS: The School operates a system of sanctions agreed by the Governors.
• Staff may detain a student during the day without prior notice.
• Students may also be detained after school, for which parents will be given a day’s notice.
Good discipline in a school depends upon the continuing support and co-operation of parents.
7. UNIFORM: The Piggott School has a compulsory uniform for students in Years 7 to 11 agreed by the Governors, after consultation with parents, students and staff. Full details are given in the School Prospectus and in the student planner. If a student arrives at school in incorrect uniform, with inappropriate hair or makeup without a reasonable explanatory note from parents, he/she may be required to return home to change.
8. COMMUNICATIONS: The school undertakes to communicate regularly with parents over their children’s individual progress and other matters of importance. Parents are expected to take the opportunity to discuss students’ progress with staff at Parents’ Evenings. It is hoped that parents will be able to involve themselves in school functions and with the Piggott School Association.
9. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES: Every member of the school is entitled to equal consideration and opportunity, regardless of ability, race, gender, disability, or religion.
10. BULLYING: Every student has the right to be free from bullying. The school will take action to support this principle in accordance with the School’s procedures for dealing with bullying.
11. PROPERTY: Everyone should respect others’ property and that of the school. Any school equipment or books which are lost by pupils will be invoiced to the parents. Parents may be held liable for damage caused through negligence or vandalism. Parents are asked to ensure that valuable, illegal or dangerous items are not brought to school.
Data Protection and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)
In accordance with Data Protection and UK GDPR regulations, schools must provide parents with an opportunity to opt in or out of any data sharing. In order to achieve the outcomes we do, it is essential that we work in partnership with parents, students, Governors, the Local Authority and carefully selected outside agencies. We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it. However, we are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority (LA) and the Department for Education (DfE)
We are the Data Controller for the purposes of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the personal data we hold is used to support teaching and learning, monitor and report on your child’s progress, provide appropriate pastoral care and assess how well your child is doing.
What information is being collected and why?
We collect emergency contact information including names, addresses, mobile numbers and email addresses from you. In order to be more environmentally-friendly, we communicate school information via email, SMS text messaging and smartphone app based push notifications.
We collect ethnicity information, special education needs, meal preferences and travel arrangements for use in the Annual School Census and Local Authority data captures.
We collect medical information and food allergy information in order to provide appropriate care within school and when on school trips or external visits.
How is data collected?
We ask for Data Collection and Consent Forms to be completed by parents. We can also receive electronic data transfers from previous or primary schools via the DfE’s Secure Access site providing previous attendance history and KS2/Target data, etc.
How will it the information be used?
We take your privacy seriously and data is only used in conjunction with providing the best possible care and education for your child. It is used to assess learning, to set up user accounts to assist with personalised learning, to facilitate home-school communication and emergency information so we can contact parents.
Who will it be shared with?
Any third party that we share your data with has been rigorously checked to ensure that they are GDPR compliant. Currently we share information with a wide range of outside providers that can be found on the Data Sharing and Consent Form on the next page.
The Piggott School Data Sharing and Consent Form
In line with the previous information regarding UK GDPR, we are required to seek parental consent for the below services that we provide. Please complete the below. Please be aware that we operate an ‘opt-in’ policy for all of these services but refusal to share information with any of them could have a negative effect on your child’s educational experience.
Where we are processing your personal data with your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent. If you change your mind, or you are unhappy with our use of your personal data, please let us know by contacting dpo@piggottschool.org
Please enter your name to confirm that:
• You have read the information on the previous page and understand how your data is shared. Where relevant, you have indicated your permission for yours and your child’s data to be shared with the above sites.
• You understand that you may withdraw your permission at any time by writing to the school.