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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy


On this page you will find information on The Piggott School admissions process.

Use the below links to navigate to the relevant information, or simply scroll down the page. 


Applying for a place at The Piggott School

Applications for Year 7

To apply for a place in Year 7 for September 2024, all applications should be made to the Local Authority in which you reside. All applications are forwarded to Wokingham Borough Council and subsequently to The Piggott School for processing.

For further information, please visit:

In-Year Applications

To apply for a place in Years 7-11, outside of the normal Year 7 admissions round, applications should be made directly to The Piggott School. Applications for an in-year place should be submitted no earlier than the term before the place is needed.

Please complete our online in-year application form by clicking here.

If you required a paper copy, please email

Applications to the sixth form

For queries relating to sixth form admissions, please email or see further information on the sixth form admissions page.

Admissions Policies

The Piggott School Admissions Policy 2023-2024 (Determined)

The Piggott School Admissions Policy 2024-2025 (Determined)

The Piggott School Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (Determined)

It is a statutory requirement for all state funded schools to consult on their Admissions Arrangements every 7 years. In line with this requirement, The Piggott School last consulted on its Admissions Arrangements for 2021/2022 following a judgement by the Office of the Schools’ Adjudicator.

Recent Changes

Date of last consultation period:  Friday 20th November 2020 to Monday 4th January 2021

For details of the consultation, please click here.


Designated Area

The following map shows the designated area of The Piggott that is used in its over subscription criteria:

Piggott Designated Area - View Map.

Piggott Designated Area - Detailed map (for reference only)

Please note that you can check the catchment area your postcode is in using the Wokingham Borough's catchment finder tool.


Admissions Criteria - 2024/25

The admissions criteria for The Piggott School are given below in descending order of priority:

In the event of there being a greater demand for admission than there are places available, a child with a statement of special educational need (or Educational Health Care Plan – EHC), which names The Piggott School will always be admitted. Once places have been offered to these children, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below:

  • A.  All looked after children or children who were previously looked after: All looked after children or children who were previously looked after, including those children who appear to have been in state care outside England, but ceased to be so as a result of being adopted: By a “looked‐after child” we mean one in the care of a local authority or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of its social services function. Previously looked after children are children who have been adopted, subject to child arrangement orders or special guardianship orders. Adopted children are those for whom an adoption order is made under the Adoption Act 1976 (Section 12) or the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Section 46). A “child arrangements order” is one settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live (Children Act 1989, Section 8, as amended by the Children and Families Act 2014, Section 14). A “special guardianship order” is one appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian/s (Children Act 1989, Section 14A). Applications under this criterion must be accompanied by evidence to show that the child is looked after or was previously looked after (e.g. a copy of the adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order). Evidence that a child from outside England was previously in state care will be required to come within this criterion. A child is regarded as having been in state care outside England if they were in the care of or were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation, or any other provider of care whose sole or main purpose is to benefit society.

  • B. Pupils whose permanent home address is in the school’s designated area and who have a sibling living at the same address who already attends the school (in any Key Stage, i.e. EYFS2 (Reception year) – KS5) by the deadline for applications. (For the definition of sibling see full document); 

  • C. The children of staff at The Piggott School where that member of staff is the legal parent and guardian of that child, has a permanent contract to work at the school and where that member of staff has been employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time of application for the place or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post within a demonstrable skill shortage.

  • D. Pupils whose permanent home address is in the school’s designated area but who do not fall into criterion B; 

  • E. Pupils whose permanent home address is not in the school’s designated area but who would otherwise fall into criterion B; 

  • F. Pupils who attend one of the linked primary schools, who have not been admitted in an earlier criteria namely The Colleton, Crazies Hill CE, Knowl Hill CE, St Nicholas CE and Sonning CE Primary schools and Polehampton CE and Robert Piggott CE junior schools; 

  • G. All other pupils.

Children attending The Piggott School: Charvil Primary automatically transfer into Year 7 to the Wargrave Piggott Secondary School*

15 spaces will be reserved for children living in a High Priority Admissions Area (HPPA)**, the HPPA will include all of the designated area of Crazies Hill Primary School, as of 20th November 2020, which falls within the boundaries of Wokingham borough. The criterion for deciding a place for those living within the HPAA will be straight line distance from the school gate, with those living furthest away receiving priority over those living nearest.

*The Piggott School is an all-through school, from Foundation to Sixth form, and is based across 2 sites, The Piggott School: Charvil Primary and The Piggott School in Wargrave

**The HPPA was agreed following an Official School Adjudicator's judgement

Appeals for Year 7 Admissions

The Piggott School has commissioned Wokingham Borough Council to hear appeals on the school’s behalf. Details of how to appeal and the timeline can be found by clicking the link below: 

Year 7 Allocation Information

Please find below information on how places were allocated on national offer day for each Year 7 intake. Please be aware that this information captures the allocation as it was on National Secondary Offer Day and does not include any movement thereafter.

This information, along with the allocation information for other schools in the borough, is available on Wokingham's website here:


Published Admission Number

Number of places offered Information on how the places were allocated
2024/25 206 252 The Piggott School had an amendment made to their admissions arrangements in November 2020, creating a high priority area to help accommodate children within the school’s designated area who historically could not be placed at this base. The Academy Trust Board (also known as the Governing Body) at The Piggott School ranked the applications in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria and after coordination the school was fully allocated. The last child allocated under criterion E lived 7.497 miles from The Piggott School based on radial distance according to the computerised mapping system used by the council’s School Admissions Team. There were insufficient places for the remaining 94 children (15 in criterion F and 79 in criterion G). These children have been provisionally placed on the waiting list pending confirmation from parents that they wish to remain on the waiting list.
2023/24 206 252

The Academy Trust Board (also known as the Governing Body) at The Piggott School ranked the applications in accordance with the school’s oversubscription criteria and after coordination the school was fully allocated. The school agreed to take additional students to meet demand within the Borough. The last child allocated under criterion F lived 3.583 miles from The Piggott School based on radial distance according to the computerised mapping system used by the council’s School Admissions Team. There were insufficient places for the remaining 98 children (8 in criterion F and 90 in criterion G).

2022/23 206 252 The Academy Trust Board (also known as the Governing Body) at The Piggott School ranked the applications in accordance
with the school’s oversubscription criteria and after coordination the school was fully allocated. Prior to allocation it was
determined this school would offer an additional 46 places for this academic year, taking their Published Admission Number
from 206 to 252 for September 2022 year 7 entry. The school was fully allocated with children who qualified under
oversubscription criteria A to F, plus 11 children based on radial distance in criterion G. The last child allocated under criterion
G lived 2.587 miles from The Piggott School based on radial distance according to the computerised mapping system used by
the council’s School Admissions Team. There were insufficient places for the remaining 71 children (All criterion G). 
2021/22 206 206 The Academy Trust Board (also known as the Governing Body) at The Piggott School ranked the applications in accordance with
the school’s oversubscription criteria and after coordination the school was fully allocated. The last child allocated under
criterion D lived 1.185 miles from the school based on radial distance according to the computerised mapping system used by
the council’s School Admissions Team. There were insufficient places for the remaining 159 children (58 in criterion D; 10 in
criterion E; 18 in criterion F and 73 in criterion G). 

Useful Links From the Wokingham Authority Website

Contact Details

For queries relating to admissions, please email

For queries relating to sixth form admissions, please email or see further information on the sixth form admissions page.


Admissions Policy Consultations

In line with the School Admissions Code, Admissions Authorities are required to consult on their Admissions Policy every 7 years or where there is a significant change. 

As part of the consultation process schools and admissions authorities are required to consult parents of school age children. Where other admissions authorities have asked us to pass their consultation information on, we will list this information below. 

The Piggott School is not currently consulting on its Admissions Arrangements. To view our determined Admissions arrangements please click here. The Piggott School last consulted on its 2021/2022 Admissions Arrangements in November 2020 following a judgement by the Office of the Schools’ Adjudicator. For details of the consultation, please click here.

Useful Documents