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Charvil Piggott Primary School

Part of the Piggott Church of England Academy

Early reading - help for parents

Early reading is such an essential part of learning in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. This platform provides greater access into other areas of the curriculum. The documents below are aimed at providing help and support for reading with your child at home.



How often should my child read at home?

How long should they read for?


5 times a week

10 minutes

Year 1 and 2

Minimum of 5 times a week

Minimum of 10 minutes

Year 3 and 4

Minimum of 5 times a week

Minimum of 15 minutes

Year 5 and 6

Every day

Minimum of 20 minutes


As your child develops fluency (being able to decode accurately and read words by sight) you may be able to encourage further independence in their reading. At all ages, please remember the importance of children hearing you read to them and seeing you read for pleasure too.